Corporate Social Investment

EMPS takes its role of being a socially responsible organisation very seriously. Corporate social investment is therefore an integral part of our commitment to sustainable development and enhancing our reputation as a responsible corporate citizen. Our vision for CSI is to be involved in the reduction of poverty and social problems, through the development and upliftment of underprivileged communities.

To achieve this goal, our policy and programmes are aimed at:

  • Focusing on initiatives which enjoy broad-based stakeholders’ support while avoiding hand out tendencies which prove unsustainable;
  • Quantifying the costs and benefits of the programmes selected and evaluating them in terms of their ability to contribute to capacity building, improving the quality of life and ensuring sustainable development;
  • Contributing to the socio-economic upliftment of primarily historically disadvantaged communities

Our key priority areas are;

  • Poverty alleviation
  • Education, capacity building and skills development for targeted communities
  • Income generation and job-creation programmes/ projects, with the primary focus on youth

As part of EMPS’s Corporate Social Investment Policy, EMPS has chosen to sponsor “The SUPPER Foundation” a South African, non-profit organisation which focuses on social up-liftment within Soweto, a poverty stricken area of SA. Initiatives include Upliftment through education and training, job creation, Provision of basic needs, food parcels, clothing, blankets, housing development and soup kitchens, Education through a computer centre, bursaries, career guidance and job placement.


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